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Culture Practice Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

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Culture Practice Paper - Essay ExampleMaya civilization was first established in the pre-classic period. It reached its peak in the classic period and continued until the arrival of the Spanish in the year 1525. At its epitome, it became one of the richest cultures in the world.Maya civilization and Mesoamerican civilization are quite similar due to cultural diffusion and interactions within the societies. Maya civilization helped in the development of famous cities such as, Tikal, Copan, Altun Ha and many others. Maya civilization had intensive agricultural practices with corn as the staple food. Historical anthropologists assert that religion rather than sciences was almost part of every life in Maya civilization. Therefore, more than 40 cities states had temples and pyramids for warships until the fall of Maya civilization in the year 1542.Anthropologists have identified religion, the cosmic tree, the sacred time, deities such as (male/female, old/young, human/animal) language, public life among others as some of the cultural themes in Mayan civilization.